
$155 - Simplicity

1000ml Fluids, B12, Vitamin D3

Simple Hydration with a boost of energy

Couture Complexion

$250 - Couture Complexion

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B-complex, Glutathione, NAC, L-proline, Biotin & NAD+ Injection

Anti-aging blend created for internal hydration producing the perfect plump while aiding in cell turnover, tissue healing & collagen production

Party Punch

$199 - Party Punch

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B-Complex, B12, Zinc, Gluathione, Magnesium, Pepcid, Zofran & Toradol

Perfect punch when you plan to party or have already partied a little to hard

Myers Cocktail

$199 - Myer's Cocktail

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B-Complex, Zinc, Glutathione & Magnesium

Ideal balance of hydration, immune boost & energy

Get Skinny

$199 - Skinny

1000ml Fluids, B12,  B-Complex, Glutathione, L-Carnitine, Amino is & Mineral Blend

Detox, reduce bloat & boost metabolism


$225 - Viral Vengeance

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B-Complex, B12, Zinc, Glutathione, Magnesium, Taurine, Pepcid, Zofran, Toradol & Benadryl

When you are not feeling your best, but not sure what you are fighting

Nausea Relief

$199 - Relief

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B-Complex, B12, Zinc, Glutathione, Magnesium, Pepcid & Zofran

For the expecting mama fighting off nausea & fatigue


$199 - Performance

1000ml Fluids, Vitamin C, B12, B-Complex, Taurine, NAC & L-Carnitine

Built for peak athletic performance & muscle recovery




Common Uses of Intravenous Therapy

Hangover relief:

    • After overindulging during a night out, you might wake up feeling awful. A dry mouth, pounding headache, upset digestive system and desire to keep the shades drawn are all telltale signs of a hangover. A bad hangover can make it hard to concentrate and ruin your entire day. Chugging a glass of water or a cup of coffee with an over-the-counter pain killer and going back to bed is usually the go-to hangover remedy, but IV therapy can also be a helpful way to find relief. A hangover IV therapy includes fluids to help rehydrate the body, vitamins to help improve your energy levels and medication to reduce the painful symptoms of nausea, heartburn and headache.

Athletic performance recovery:

    • After an intense workout, your body can be left feeling drained and sore. Whether you have run a marathon or hit the gym for a lifting session, you can be left feeling in need of a boost. IV therapy can be used to help athletes recover following periods of exertion. Recovery IV drip therapy includes a number of different components designed to support athletes during the recovery period. Fluids help rehydrate you, while vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids help improve your energy levels and repair any tissue damage.

Immune system support:

    • The immune system fights off infection and keeps the body healthy, but we can still get sick. Whether you are worried about getting sick — especially during cold and flu season — or you’ve caught a bug, IV therapy can help support your immune system. IV therapy for immune system support includes a number of vitamins and minerals to naturally boost the immune system and reduce the chances of you catching a bug.

Cold and flu relief:

    • If you find yourself being knocked down by the symptoms of the cold or flu, IV therapy can offer you some relief. A cold and flu IV drip helps keep you hydrated. It also had vitamins and minerals to help your immune system do its job and kick the bug. Plus, anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea medications help to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the cold and flu, such as coughing, body aches, headache and fever.

Pregnancy symptom alleviation:

    • The body undergoes tremendous stress and changes during pregnancy. Morning sickness is a common experience among pregnant women. Morning sickness can be frustrating when you are trying to focus on your health and the health of your growing baby. Triggered by different environmental factors, such as smell, morning sickness causes an upset stomach and vomiting. While these symptoms typically subside as the pregnancy progresses, they can be uncomfortable and disruptive to your daily life. IV therapy for morning sickness is designed to help pregnant women stay hydrated and reduce the unpleasant effects of morning sickness. This IV therapy includes fluids for hydration, as well as vitamins and medication to help manage nausea and vomiting.

Migraine and headache relief:

    • The pain caused by migraines and headaches can be debilitating. The exact cause of these conditions isn’t always known, but common triggers include stress, diet, environment and certain medications. We can learn our triggers and try to avoid them, but migraines and headaches can still sneak up on us. If you are looking for relief, IV therapy for migraines and headaches includes vitamins and medication to help reduce inflammation and mitigate your painful symptoms. If you experience nausea with your migraines, the IV therapy package can include anti-nausea medication.



Available 7 days a week by appointment only. Call, text, or email to schedule.